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The Meme Bootcamp

Daniel Holler, Elena Zaghis & Eva Pobeda 2023

Exhibited at Dutch Design Week 2023 in the Cringe or Cool Group Exhibition

Meme making as therapy? Yes, you read that right. Memes are an extraordinary bottom-up form of expression - they can also be extremely helpful to self-reflect and process difficult moments at work and in life. Just translate them into humoristic symbols. But how? The Meme Bootcamp is just what you need – Daniel and Elena teach you through a 30-minute workshop the meme-making skills to process your worst, cringiest, and most anxiety-inducing moments in your professional design and art career.

The Meme Bootcamp is a participatory performance workshop reflecting on corporate grind culture through the hyperbole of memes and militaristic language, co-created with AI. Enlist today - Not for the faint of heart!

The Meme Bootcamp ist ein partizipativer Performance-Workshop, der die Kultur des Unternehmensalltags durch die Übertreibung von Memes und militärischer Sprache reflektiert, in Zusammenarbeit mit KI entwickelt. Aufgeführt während Dutch Design Week 2023 im Rahmen der Gruppenausstellung Cringe or Cool?

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